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FiaVest Stock Market Trend Tracker
Full Market

Index Counter Only
Market Trend 2024-10-22
A better way to
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Name Last Change Volume
MYEG-C7C 0.07 -0.005 964351
HSI-CXY 0.105 -0.015 807586
NICE 0.175 0.01 797978
HSI-CWAO 0.325 -0.01 743360
MYEG 0.885 -0.005 741362
MYEG-C6N 0.07 -0.005 601172
MYEG-C7L 0.04 0.0 600100
HSI-PWBC 0.06 0.0 567398
HSI-CYC 0.225 0.0 329528
ALPHA 0.36 -0.005 328219